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Putin Lowers Nuclear Strike Threshold in Stark Warning to U.S.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced updates to Russia's nuclear doctrine, heightening global tensions. In response to U.S. support for Ukraine's military operations, Putin has lowered the threshold for deploying nuclear weapons, declaring that any conventional attack on Russia by a nation backed by a nuclear power could be treated as a direct nuclear threat. This shift follows Ukraine's reported use of American missiles within Russian territory, prompting sharp rhetoric from Moscow.

The revised doctrine, titled "The Basics of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence," expands scenarios in which Russia might use its nuclear arsenal. Putin emphasized the move is meant to ensure national security amid perceived Western aggression. Analysts interpret this as a warning to NATO and the U.S. regarding their continued involvement in the Ukraine conflict. It marks a chilling moment in global diplomacy, particularly as U.S. elections loom.

This escalation highlights Russia's willingness to leverage nuclear deterrence in modern conflicts, potentially reshaping geopolitical strategies. The timing also reflects Moscow’s attempt to reinforce its position amid challenges in Ukraine. Global leaders are urged to address this development to avert further escalation, as fears of miscalculationrise.


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